OPINION: Stern Insider Connected is Positive for the Future of Pinball + September 2024 Insider Connected Seasonal Quests

You know how it is online sometimes.

We all do. It’s not just trolls and mean-spirited keyboard warrior types that piss in the cornflakes. It’s sometimes good people that just act differently succumbing to the illusion of faux anonymity of the internet.

Some people just have to diss stuff others like. I’m OK with people disliking something I like, but you know what I try and do when I dislike something? Avoid it or seek to better understand what I might be missing about that thing that others see value in? I don’t go out of my way to be a jerk to others that are excited about something I don’t see the value in. Sure, I’ll give my opinion, but then I move on. There’s more to do in life than to trash something ad nauseum. But for those that get off on that, hey, go for it.

Just curious, why do you think some people go out of their way in this hobby to diss Insider Connected? No, I mean, really, what are they upset about with this and how it relates to the future of pinball? Is it bad for the future of pinball? Is it promoting a dark vision where pinball machines are sold incomplete and only finished if you pay a subscription fee?

I don’t see that future making any kind of sense. In fact, have written about hoping more companies would have this functionality: OPINION: Stern Pinball has Feature Every Modern Pinball Needs. This article, might in fact sound a bit like a rework of that, but it’s not. It’s more how I don’t understand those that strongly dislike this functionality. What is it doing that threatens pinball?

If you don’t like it, don’t use it, yes/no? IC is not ruining pinball life as we know it, it’s adding something modern that pinball previously didn’t have. It’s like complaining about satellite radio in some vehicles. If you don’t want satellite, don’t subscribe, don’t listen, you’ll still receive your AM/FM stations.

But is it hurting your enjoyment of your vehicle by just, well, being there?

If you think Stern is stupid enough to charge for completing code we should have received with our $10,000 purchase, then sure, there’s a fair reason to oppose IC. However, I don’t see them making that decision ever, unless they are being run by completely greedy, stupid fools.

And yes, some companies are run by those type of people. So, not outright dismissing this as a possibility. Likely? No. Possible? Yes.

Let’s take Jaws, for example. You know, that pinball I’ve spent more hours streaming live than any other game in 2024. It’s not because I want to mindlessly promote the game or am some kind of Stern shill, or even that it’s the only real pinball I have access to (I have a mobile streaming setup and could visit and stream from multiple local arcades other games).

The reality is I freaking love the game. It’s a great game. It’s becoming one of my favorite pinball games of all time. Relax, I’m not saying it’s the best game ever made, but it’s one of the most fun to play — and keep reading — it just keeps getting more fun.

So, of course I want to share that joy with others. Yesterday, we streamed it live for the 21st week. I’ve played Jaws at for hours each of those 21 weeks plus the hundreds of other times I’ve played off stream on location. If anybody reading doubts this, here’s my Stern IC stats for Jaws as of this writing:

I offer this direct information because Insider Connected makes this game better. It just does. How? The different modes, the July challenges. Without IC, this game is still good, but with IC, it’s better. I don’t even think that’s opinion, it’s fact.

Stern announced Jaws at the start of 2024 and my son ordered a premium right away. It released with fun code already, but since has had multiple updates adding additional content to owners — at no additional charge. The most recent addition: a fun new challenge mode called Jaws: The Revenge.

This is the third challenge mode offered to date in the game and on Tuesday they were talking about another challenge mode to work with their $1,000 topper is coming. That’s important to add value for those that paid that, because that topper is underwhelming, otherwise. The other challenge modes are Shark Hunter (we’ve covered this mode several times, see: https://playgamesmore.com/?s=jaws+shark+hunter) and the 4th of July Challenge Mode, another fun challenge mode.

Jaws pinball is one of the best pins released since Godzilla. And it just keeps getting better and better. The design team led by Keith Elwin, just produces winner after winner. The only Elwin I’m not super excited about is Bond 60th, but if you can find one somewhere to play, that’s still fun to flip.

I do see them adding optional features those of us that like IC might be willing to pay for someday. I don’t know where people get by thinking every business operates in a freemium model can stay in business. I want Stern to keep making machines for the rest of my life, my kids and grandchildren’s lives too, if that means they add some additional revenue channels and do it respectfully, not crazily, I’m all for it.

If for some reason Stern goes insane and starts trying to charge for something that should have already been part of the initial cost that changes the discussion of the service, and I’ll be right there with those that complain. Again, I don’t think they will.

Keep in mind that a lot of people that work at Stern are also pinball players. They are us, only they have additional proprietary knowledge we don’t have. They know things about the future we don’t, directions the company is headed that the rest of us can only speculate. I like that a company is made up of a lot of people that buy and enjoying using that product. That means the future is likely paved with insight in and around the player (AKA customer) perspective.

Reasonable people should see Insider Connected as it is: something to keep track of scores. Something that can deliver code updates. Something that can add — or, yes, take away — features and functions and modes, game modes. We can get new game modes through Insider Connected.

If you haven’t tried Stern Insider Connected, or if you did and think it somehow ruins pinball. hopefully you’ll give it another chance. You’re comments are welcome on this topic. Agree, disagree or otherwise. If you disagree, prepare for me to challenge you on that. If you challenge me, it’s only fair I’m allowed to return the favor.

September 2024 Stern Insider Connected Quests

Official September 2024 events page is located here:

There are four IC seasonal quests this month:

  • September 1 – September 30, 2024 – Friends 4-Ever – 200 million with 2 more or players combined score on ANY Spike 2 game. Use our high tier ranking list (Ranking Stern Spike 2 Games by Scoring Tier +Took 900+ days to score over a billion) for highest scoring machines like Star Wars and Jaws.
  • September 5 – 7 – A Slice Is Nice – TMNT – score 1 million points
  • September 12 – 15 – Left Right Left – Play the Venom “Scream” video mode
  • September 25 – 27 – Say What?! – play one of the comic book pins: Venom, Avengers, Deadpool, Batman ’66, TMNT or Guardians of the Galaxy

John Wick is September 2024 Leaderboard game of the month

Official John Wick September 2024 Leaderboards here:

Prior Stern Insider Connected quests history by month (since they started doing monthly quests):

Since October 2023, Stern has offered quests to earn virtual badges on a monthly frequency. Here’s a historical record of our coverage. NOTE: prior to October 2023, there were other quests in 2023, like a Foo Fighters quest that spanned multiple months for a tour, but there weren’t month-specific quests. There were also some months where there were global tournaments only.

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