Coming to Netflix in 2024 – Terminator: The Anime Series – Will It Be Better Than Dark Fate? Are There Any Good Terminator Games?

After being disappointed with the Terminator: Resistance (see Steam/PC REVIEW) game earlier in 2023, it’s one of those iconic franchises that just keeps drawing me back, like Robocop. I want to love whatever new is coming from this franchise, and continue to be disappointed time and again. Really thought when Terminator: Dark Fate hit theaters, with James Cameron behind the scenes again, we might get some kind of worthy sequel to T2. Nope. Cameron has since apologized, saying he made “your granddad’s Terminator.

Anyway, here I am again, getting excited about something Terminator, and it’s not a game, it’s the anime series on Netflix coming at some point in 2024. Here is the teaser video which, well, sucks, but yet that logo, the name – Terminator – just gets me excited for something new … despite the history of bad, bad Terminator sequels.

Yeah, this doesn’t show much of anything. Terrible for a trailer, and yet it’s Terminator. A franchise still living off the first two amazing movies with Arnie and a pretty good TV series: The Sara Connor Chronicles.

Luckily, Collider has more details:

…an eight-episode animated series set in the Terminator universe, introducing new characters and exploring the dystopian conflict between humans and machines. The series takes place in 2022, where a battle has been waging between human survivors and machines for decades, and rewinds to 1997 when Skynet gained self-awareness.

Back to the awful Terminator: Resistance game. They did release some DLC for it in November 2021 called: Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line (Steam/PC) but there has been no Terminator games-related activity since. Again, not a recommendation, but that DLC does have “very positive” overall from 625+ reviews from others.

Also again, same developer as the recent Robocop: Rogue City, which has also received positive reviews to date. I really liked what was done with the story in Robocop: Rogue City (Steam/PC REVIEW) but the game not so much. In the minority on that one to date.

Am I also in the minority in thinking we should be able to get an amazing Terminator game? Maybe closer to when this new Anime series on Netflix is released in 2024.

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One thought on “Coming to Netflix in 2024 – Terminator: The Anime Series – Will It Be Better Than Dark Fate? Are There Any Good Terminator Games?”
  1. A Terminator dlc mode in Grand Theft Auto 5 would be cool. You would play as the Terminator and find and terminate your targets or play as the protector Terminator version and protect your subject.

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