Launching (Maybe) December 7, 2023 – The Day Before

There is a fair amount of controversy around this open world, east coast USA post pandemic game, The Day Before ( Just doing a quick search will reveal some of the drama:

Considering the development history, it’s sort of become a drive-by accident curiosity for this author to see what becomes of this game, if indeed it actually launches on December 7, 2023, hence the title. We are also doing a PGM giveaway in the discord (PGM members, see the Twitch subchannel for link to click to participate).

As indicated, the game was on Steam, then pulled from Steam, then put back with a recently released trailer and launch date of 12/7/2023. There is a fairly active Discord and the official website is located here: According to the Steam news page for the game, the early access price will be $39 USD and the final release, presumably at some point in 2024 will be $49. Those purchasing the early access will not need to spend any more to get the full release, says the developer.

This seems very much like a wander around a ravaged city, do stuff for a checklist and then do more stuff type of game. This is in the same spirit as Robocop: Rogue City, only you aren’t Robocop. Am not sure if I’m going to like this or not, but again, there has been so much drama around this game that my curiosity is piqued and plan to be there on early access launch day to see what the fuss is about. This game is set for a PGM Discord giveaway on December 7 at 8am PST, PGM members should check the #twitch-todd_russell subchannel and click the blue “participate” button.

What about you, friendly reader, any interest in this game? Do you like playing these types of open world games? Let us know in the comments.

UPDATE 2/2/2024 @ 12:25pm PST: This game launch was a disaster. They shut down the game four days after it launched.

Speaking anonymously, Game Two’s sources allege that working at Fntastic—The Day Before’s now-defunct development studio—was pure, megalomaniacal chaos. As they tell it, the game’s development was constantly buffeted by the changing whims of the Gotovtsev brothers, the studio’s founders, and the scope and style of the game would change whenever one of them got their hands on whatever the big game of the month was. 

The Day Before was an even bigger disaster than you thought: devs reportedly made to pay fines for bad work, learned it was an MMO from the trailers, and no one’s sure where the bosses are | PC Gamer

Recently, we published an article wondering if another game was one of the worst games: Was Skull Island: Rise of Kong truly one of the worst games of 2023? The Day Before was cited as worse, and that’s an understatement.

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