Humpday Wednesday Pinball #6: Austin Powers (Stern 2001) | IT Pinball Madness | Terminator 3 (Stern 2003) – All VPX

It’s Humpday Wednesday Pinball #6 – a megaswarm of virtual pinball action – at our PGM Twitch channel: live streaming from 6am – 10am PST (GMT-8) and each week we feature multiple tables to chase your personal best scores.

Before getting to the new vpins we’re featuring this week, this past week there have been some vpin updates for tables we already feature on our iScored leaderboards which include:

  • Volkan Steel and Metal Works v1.3 (from v1.0.0 -> 1.2 -> 1.3)

We will review these and any other updates during the Twitch stream and determine whether or not a new leaderboard needs to be created. If the changes are merely cosmetic and gameplay isn’t altered, then we usually keep the same leaderboard. Also, today will be the show to decide which of the tables to keep in the tan area, as there are a dozen or so to consider. Some definitely need to be added.

We’ll also check out a bunch of Zaccaria vpis added bulk to Pinup Popper that I (finally) bought from the Summer Steam sale. Yeah, I’m tragically late to this Zac PC party, but I was playing them so much on the Atgames that I just didn’t feel the urgency to get the PC version. I’ll compare the versions vs. Atgames on the stream. The adding Zac to Pinup process was fast and easy. Major thanks goes out to several people involved in making this so smooth and Nailbuster references them in his excellent Zaccaria setup tutorial (“Thanks to Pritch33 for the wheels, Sneakily1 for the tarc loading,Scampa123 for the BG recording videos and godisnothere for the theme!”)

Onto this week’s featured virtual pins:

Here is the fun part, YOU can play, too. All you need is Virtual Pinball and sometimes Future Pinball software and the table files which are all free to download. There is a spreadsheet where we share where to acquire the necessary pinball table files linked on every page at this blog and also here: Be sure to use default settings for all tables, unless otherwise noted and make sure you’re playing the version listed in the yellow highlight at the top of our iScored leaderboard page. Then, simmply, play the game and try and beat your personal best. Once you’ve done so, share the score.

You can share on our PGM iScored here: — this is also listed on every page here at the PGM website. Once we see some scores and activity one of our PGM members will add you to our semi-private Discord where we score chase all kinds of different games: arcade games, modern Steam games, we stream games, play co-op and more. As of this writing we’re on summer break for the arcade/modern games Score Chasing, but that will resume starting Saturday September 9, 2023 and will tell you more about that as it gets nearer.

In the meantime, come to the live stream, share your virtual and/or real pinball adventures. Yes, we play real pinball, too. We have a Summer 2023 event happening where you can go out and find real pinball machines to play at surrounding businesses and score chase. We are a friendly group, open to all adult gamers at least 18 years of age. Please stop by the live Twitch stream and say hello to us. Now, let’s flip some pinball!

Wednesday Humpday Pinball tables featured

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