Boomer Shooters added as official Genre on Steam

Credit: Wikipedia entry for Baby Boomers

Personally, the whole “boomer” tag isn’t something in my vernacular. There are certain words I don’t really get, but you can see from the description above, where you might fit based on the year you were born. Me? I’m just a little bit young to be a “Baby Boomer” and like much more where I’m fitting: Generation X.

Do you keep up with all the genre tags on Steam? If not, there is a new one with a curious title: “Boomer Shooter” on Steam (

Steam’s latest genre tag has given the boomer shooter some newfound validation since, for years, the title has been a little controversial around online forums, mainly because Doom and other 1980s shooters were more likely played by Generation X. But I guess the “OK, boomer” meme makes the term easily understandable. How about Doomer Shooter?

Boomer Shooters are now an official genre on Steam, as classic Doom inspires more and more FPS gems | GamesRadar+

If these type of FPS strike your gaming wheelhouse, you’re in business for finding more of them on Steam.

Do you have any favorite “Boomer Shooters” to recommend? Let us know in the comments. We’re always on the lookout for great games to play here at PGM.

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