AtGames Legends Pinball HD Screen Upgrade

By Vader4633 May 6, 2024

The new AtGames Legends Pinball 4k (ALP4K)?

Not the upgrade I was looking for already having the first Atgames Legends Pinball HD (ALP). I had the chance to play the 4k when I attended the Pinball expo 2023 in Schaumburg, IL. Upon walking up and playing it, I was immediately advised by one of the AtGames representative the featured game, The Addams Family, was still being optimized. Playing Addams Family was not a good pinball experience due to very bad flipper lag. The tables I already owned on the HD looked and played well on the 4K pinball. Buying all the tables again I already purchased for the HD did not seem to be the upgrade path I wanted for the price of the 4K.

Buy Stuff Arcades ( now offers many options for my ALP. I have purchased their 2.0 backbox, haptics kit, and control panel decal for my HD pinball so I already had a good investment in the HD to just sell it outright. I still enjoy the leaderboards on the AtGames pinball tables so I did not want to just go full OTG for pinball.

I purchased Buy Stuff Arcades ALP screen mounting and playfield conversion kit. You do have to supply your own monitor. I went with a 32 inch Sceptre HDR400 144Hz 2K monitor. To use the controls and play the built in tables, you also need to have a mainboard in the ALP with version 2.6. I did have an older version mainboard and purchased a used 2.6 mainboard off Facebook marketplace.

The screen replacement went well following Buy Stuff Arcades YouTube video instructions. In their video, they do use a newer AtGames pinball which has inside plastic bezel and plastic rails for the monitor. My pinball was an earlier model which had wood instead of plastic for the rails and bezel.

I emailed Buy Stuff Arcades while working on the install and they promptly responded when I asked them for guidance with the wood parts. Within a few hours, Buy Stuff Arcades made me video instructions I needed to complete my install. What company does that. Very impressed with their level of customer service.

The built in AtGames tables now looks nicer with the upgraded screen. They have more color and not as washed out. The screen shines playing pinball OTG through a PC connected. I already had pinball FX, FX3, VPX, and Future Pinball installed. The screen looks amazing playing those on the new screen in 2k with a 120Hz refresh rate. The tables look much more real like. There was slight flipper lag with the old screen due to the fact the PC was hooked up through the pinball connections on the cabinet. Now the pc is hooked up directly through the new screen and the flipper lag is gone. Text on the tables looks sharp. Did not think the old screen was bad until playing with the new screen. I have been going back and replaying tables now on VPX and Future Pinball to see the difference. Very impressed how they look now and shoutout to all that make the VPX and Future Pinball tables for all of us to enjoy.

I know people will say, buy and build your own table instead of buying the AtGames pinball. But the ALP brought me into playing pinball which I never played a lot of. Buy Stuff Arcades has made it significantly better with their upgrades. One doesn’t need all Buy Stuff Arcade upgrades but I would say the screen mounting and playfield conversion along with the haptics kit are good choices. The backbox 2.0 is the very nice cherry on top. My ALP is pretty much a Buy Stuff Pinball now and I am enjoying it a lot more now.

Below is a picture of one of the built in tables. The table on the left is with the new monitor and the right is the AtGames monitor.

Atop this article and below are pictures of some VPX tables with the new monitor. The colors look great and the text look sharper than the old monitor.

You can purchase the kit from Buy Stuff Arcades at ($299 USD base as of this writing, with options varying the final price).

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3 thoughts on “AtGames Legends Pinball HD Screen Upgrade”
  1. Great article. Thanks for sharing Vader. I think it’s cool that buy stuff arcades are making these awesome upgrades. Once I’m ready to update my HD version I’ll be using them for sure.

  2. Brian you did a great job installing that kit and the visual differences are undeniable. If my ALP motherboard hadn’t failed and I had you to help me I would just kept my ALP because I miss the full cabinet experience!

  3. I like this path instead of the ALP4K right now, at least until they get the lag sorted out with the Zen titles (hopefully for customers very soon). Am curious how compatible and/or if any of this conversion kit would be applicable for the ALP4K? Wonder if somebody has gone down this road and/or is thinking of this already(?)

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