Analogue 3D Working on 4K FPGA Nintendo 64 – Coming in 2024 .. at some point

By Todd Russell Nov 11, 2023

Coming in 2024, according to the website, but no specific date as of this writing, this Analogue 3D 4K version of the Nintendo 64 sounds intriguing, but that’s about all this article delivers: Analogue is making a 4K Nintendo 64

Analogue, the company best known for modern takes on retro hardware, is turning its attention to the 64-bit era with the Analogue 3D, a reimagining of the Nintendo 64. The company says the new console will have “100 percent compatibility” with N64 cartridges in every region and will even support 4K output. It will also include “Orig Analogue is making a 4K Nintendo 64inal Display Modes featuring reference quality recreations of specific model CRTs and PVMs” for the purists out there, along with Bluetooth support and four controller ports.

Unfamiliar with Analogue 3D? They’ve made several FPGA versions of console and portable systems and according to their product page, every one has “sold out” via Are you looking forward to this 4K FPGA N-64 by Analogue? Have you purchased any of Analogue’s FPGA prior offerings? Share in the comments below.

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