Metal Slug X – One quarter/play challenge. This means no continues for scores. Only enter your highest score for only one credit. Since continues the score does not reset, it means one or more continues could boost the score. All PGM score chasing games, unless otherwise specified, are one credit/play scoring challenges.
Season 2, Week 15 of Score Chasing begins Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 12:00:01 PST (GMT-8) featuring Metal Slug X, the arcade version. This article will tell you everything you need to know about how to join our group and play.
PLEASE NOTE: this score chasing event is for adults, age 18 and older, so if you aren’t yet 18, then please return when you are.
First, let’s learn more about Metal Slug X (Arcade). How is the game played via Arcade-Museum
This game is similar to its prequel. It is a jump and shoot side-scrolling game where you collect special weapons/tanks/planes/boats and a lot of bonus points.
Arcade Museum Metal Slug X Description
At the top of this post, you’ll see a Metal Slug X event promo image with a QR Code created by PGM member, Gamer_Nix. This will take you directly to the official PGM iScored Score Chasing Scoreboard at the spot where you will enter your score on Metal Slug X (Arcade). Where can you play? Here are a few suggestions (alphabetical order) but is not a complete list by any means:
- Arcade – yes, check your local area for barcaes, arcades, mallcades, etc. You might have an Star Castle arcade machine nearby and play might still be a quarter!
- Various Emulated / MAME / CoinOpsX / etc – emulated versions of Asteroids Deluxe (Arcade) are allowed, but we do not typically link to these sources
- Nintendo Switch – ACA NEOGEO METAL SLUG X for Nintendo Switch – Nintendo Official Site – $7.99
- Playstation – METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY™ (playstation.com) – $19.99 and contains Metal Slug 1, 2, X, 4, 5 are emulated versions and Metal Slug 6 is a direct arcade port
- Xbox – Buy ACA NEOGEO METAL SLUG X | Xbox – $7.99
- Antstream Arcade – play Metal Slug X in your browser or in their app
Now that you have located where to play Metal Slug X, simply start playing to establish your personal best score. The goal of score chasing is not a typical leaderboard high score, be the top score tournament. We simply want you to play and beat your personal best. Every time you do, you’ll update your score on the PGM iScored Scoreboard here and linked in the QR code of the image at the top of this article: https://www.iscored.info/?mode=public&user=Playgamesmore&scrollTo=39617
LIVE on Saturday December 30, 2023 at 7am PST (GMT-8) we will recap the Metal Slug X scores submitted along with the next week’s game: Tron (there will be no recap show on Saturday December 23, 2023, as I’ll be out of town with my grandchildren). Brady & I will talk about and launch the next featured game (Bump N Jump) we are score chasing at our official Twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/playgamesmoredotcom
After submitting a score, you can (optionally) join our invite-ony PGM Discord adult gamer group and become a member for free. To do that, simply contact any member of the group and/or stop by the live stream and tell us a bit about yourself. We’d love to have you, as long as you are interested in playing games more. More information about PGM is available on the About Play Games More page of this website.
Missed this event? No worries, you can still continue to score chase any game we have featured at Play Games More 24/7, 365 days per year. As of this writing we have over 100 games including real pinball, virtual pinball, Arcade games, Steam/PC and more are being added regularly. Game on, everybody!