March 31 – April 2, 2024 – American Crossword Puzzle Week

By Todd Russell Mar 30, 2024

It’s time to celebrate and play crossword puzzles!

Crossword puzzles are easily one of the most popular word games in the world. It only took a few centuries from the development of the English language to form this new game. It was during the 19th Century that the first and primitive form of the crossword puzzle emerged in England. The simplicity and elegance of the game helped it gain popularity. The game was initially known as “Word-cross.” The new name is a result of a typo error when it was first published in the New York World.

AMERICAN CROSSWORD PUZZLES WEEK – March 31 – April 2, 2024 – National Today

Here on PGM on Sundays, various different games are shared and recently this crossword puzzle: Play Crossword Puzzle + Pinball Machine + How Fast Can You Solve?

Do you remember the many game/puzzle magazines that used to be sold in magazine racks alongside videogame mags like Nintendo Power, Electronic Gaming Monthly, GamePro and others?

These often contained many crossword puzzles, word scrambles and other puzzles to play and solve with pencil on a trip or location. You know, those good old days when we didn’t drag a phone or other internet-connected device around everywhere with us? Where we were disconnected, not connected.

Publishers like Kappa Puzzles () still exist and publish these game magazines and regularly. As shown above, you can get a subscription delivered to your home for $18.95 with 21 crossword magazines.

One can still get away from it all in the woods. Maybe hike a trail, do some other sort of outdoor activity where cell towers and satellites aren’t so easily accessible. Remember, and celebrate this area of gaming March 31- April 2 (and beyond).

Happy gaming to you!

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