Humpday Wednesday Pinball #17: Embryon (Bally 1981) VPX v2.02 | Evel Knievel (Bally 1977) VP10.8 v5.0 | The Last Action Hero (Data East 1993) VPX v1.2

Humpday Wednesday Pinball #17 – the “only 17” edition of virtual pinball action – at our PGM Twitch channel: live streaming from 6am – 10am PST (GMT-8) and each week we feature multiple tables to chase your personal best scores.

This week’s featured pins:


1. Embryon v2.02 – UnclePaulie (Last Updated 10/4/2023)
2. Evel Knievel v5.0 – Hauntfreaks (10/19/2923)
3. The Last Action Hero v1.2 – VPinWorkshop (7/23/2023)

Real Pinball Featured November 2023

1. Venom (Stern Pro 2023)
2. Venom (Stern Premium or LE 2023)

BONUS: We are also paying tribute to the six available virtual pinball recreations of Roger Sharpe (see: Bought, Watched Pinball: The Man Who Saved The Game + 8 Roger Sharpe Designed Pinball Machines and 6 VPIN Recreations) involved machines, all 6 of which are available to play and score chase on the PGM iScored. You can filter the PGM leaderboards list by choosing “Roger Sharpe”:

With the addition last week of the 13 Halloween/horror themed virtual pins and this week the 6 Roger Sharpe vpins, PGM is now approaching a total of 100 available virtual pins to score chase in our 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a week virtual arcade. PlayGamesMore (PGM) never closes!


Here is the fun part, YOU can play, too. All you need is Virtual Pinball and sometimes Future Pinball software and the table files which are all free to download. There is a spreadsheet where we share where to acquire the necessary pinball table files linked on every page at this blog and also here: Be sure to use default settings for all tables, unless otherwise noted and make sure you’re playing the version listed in the yellow highlight at the top of our iScored leaderboard page. Then, simmply, play the game and try and beat your personal best. Once you’ve done so, share the score.

You can share on our PGM iScored here: — this is also listed on every page here at the PGM website. Once we see some scores and activity one of our PGM members will add you to our semi-private Discord where we score chase all kinds of different games: arcade games, modern Steam games, we stream games, play co-op and more. As of this writing we’re also score chasing arcade games and recapping them on Saturday mornings.

In the meantime, come to the live stream, share your virtual and/or real pinball adventures. Yes, we play real pinball, too. We have a Summer 2023 event happening where you can go out and find real pinball machines to play at surrounding businesses and score chase. We are a friendly group, open to all adult gamers at least 18 years of age. Please stop by the live Twitch stream and say hello to us. Now, let’s flip some pinball!

Wednesday Humpday Pinball tables featured
– all Virtual Pinball unless noted otherwise

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