How to Check Out The Crew: Motorfest Ultimate Edition with Ubisoft+ for $14.99 instead of $119.99 – and 100+ more games

By Todd Russell Sep 18, 2023

There are too many subscription services, yes, but there are advantages to some of them and it pays (saves!) as a gamer to check out for new game releases. For example, The Crew: Motorfest (Official Website: released 9/14/2023 – same day as Mortal Kombat 1 preorder. The Ultimate edition cost $119.99, but monthly Ubisoft+ subscribers can play it as part of their $15/month subscription. Or the $17.99 sub for those that want the cloud streaming for phone/tablet, Xbox and Amazon Luna play. On top of that, there are 100+ more games you can check out on the service if The Crew: Motorfest doesn’t grab you.

If you like Forza 5 Horizon, The Crew: Motorfest is a competitor. After playing it on the stream Monday 9/18/23, it doesn’t quite compare to Forza 5 Horizon. Really glad, in fact, that I didn’t spend $119 for it. Looked around the “100+” Ubisoft+ games and there were a few games I’d play on there, but would rather play them elsewhere than on yet another subscription platform. Although my first look at Ubisoft+ was short, it felt hollow, maybe even souless. I canceled.

Moral to this story: before sprining for a brand new game that you aren’t sure if you’ll play, check and see what subscriptions it might be coming to. If it’s a Ubisoft title, Ubisoft+ could be your friend. If it’s on Steam, then check the alternate e-tailers that sell Steam keys like Fanatical, Green Man Gaming. Check Game Pass for new PC and Xbox games and for Sony PlayStation, check PS+ (although they tend not to get brand new releases, they will get good games months later).

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