Coin Toss is not 50/50 as believed – Slight Edge To Starting Position – Play Flip a Coin

The next time somebody wants to do a coin toss, if you can see, choose the same side starting position. Studies have proven due to the wobble there is a slight edge to the starting position of the flip via Coin Tosses Are Not 50/50: Scientists Toss 350,757 Coins And Prove Old Theory:

Diaconis found, from a smaller ideal number of coin tosses recorded and analyzed, that coins land on the same side they were tossed from around 51 percent of the time. The new team recruited 48 people to flip 350,757 coins from 46 different currencies, finding that overall, there was a 50.8 percent chance of the coin showing up the same side it was tossed from.

If you lose your next coin toss by betting against the starting position, well, at least you had the numbers with you.

Of course, we can’t have an article about the randomness of coin flipping without linking to an online coin flipping game: Just Flip A Coin! Instant 50/50 Coin Toss. Heads or Tails?

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