WGN Radio Interview with Gary Stern of Stern Pinball + Chicago Pinball Expo 39th year

By Todd Russell Oct 16, 2023

Ahead of the upcoming 39th year of Chicago Gaming Expo, WGN Radio host Dave Plier interviews Stern Pinball chairman Gary Stern here (approximately 15 minutes long): https://wgnradio.com/dave-plier/pinball-wizard-gary-stern-of-stern-pinball-pinball-expo-manufacturing-expansion-venom-foo-fighters-stern-pro-circuit/

Some notable things Gary Stern covers during the interview:

  • There are 3.1 billion gamers in the world. Gary believes today’s pinball player is a gamer, which is unlike the past
  • Worldwide 70% of Stern’s business is the home pinball owner
  • Coverage of the pinball machines that will be featured at the show. Of course the newest machine, Venom, Gary’s current favorite game (“I love all my children”). Also: Jurassic Park, Deadpool, Foo Fighters, Godzilla, Avengers “and will have some surprises at the show”
  • Gary says Insider Connected is the future and makes pinball “more fun [than the past]” – ed. defiinitely agree, see related: Insider Connected
  • Information on CEO Seth Davis, that Gary says is a “game guy” and “gets it.” Gary also discusses a need for a plan of succession by having new and more modern people involved with the company

For those in attaendance of the Chicago Gaming Expo (https://pinballexpo.com/), PGM member Vader4633 is going to attend, and hopefully we’ll hear back something from him about the experience first-hand.

Are you attending thks year’s Pinball Expo? Ever been to one or plan to go to one in the future? Let us know in the comments your plans.

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