Sisyfox Physical Gaming = Giant Ball Adults or Kids Roll Around

By Todd Russell Oct 12, 2023

Remember Indiana Jones running away from that giant rolling stone? Well, enter Sisyfox “Physical Gaming” ( where we can control a giant inflatable rolling ball, pushing it around on screen to move a character. This is definitely somewhat unique as far as game controls go.

And a video demonstration in action:

Tell me, seriously, this doesn’t remind you of the Indy rolling boulder scene lol:

Being able to control that boulder as a controller is somehow appealing to me. I need to check this out somewhere. It seems like the kind of wacky, wild type of controller than Nintendo might create. Like their Ring Fit, I kinda wanted to try those, too (but not at $80).

Anyway, there is one Round One location that has the Sisyfox ball games. I don’t care for the business name, btw, it doesn’t scream gaming to me … is it pronounced sissyfit? What? Or is pronounced “size-ee fox”? Anyway, what do you think of this Sisyfox boulder thing? Got to try it out to see what you think of it? Could be fun.

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