Video games have been with us for 50+ years. It makes sense there is a day to celebrate them every year and that day is today, September 12.

The modern era of gaming was truly kicked off in the early 21st century with the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the Wii. Video games then invaded media platforms and video game apps flooded the app stores. Lucrative competitions for skilled gamers have begun to spring up worldwide. These days, big video game console companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, have their sights set on VR — the exciting future of video gaming gets more and more lifelike every day!

NATIONAL VIDEO GAME DAY – September 12, 2024 – National Today

There has been a fair amount of drama in the AAA games sector the past couple years, some at PGM feel is the result of too many cooks in the kitchen (OPINION: Maybe the problem isn’t AI, it’s too many people working on a single game?). And, sadly, some fallout with jobs (Hey PC Gamer, it’s Disappointing and Disturbing, not a “Bloodbath” when 220 people lose their jobs and To date, 16,000+ Game Job Layoffs from 2023-2024 and Counting …).

Probably the current most disruptive force is AI. Like that is going to take over programmer jobs and/or reduce the quality of games. The latter might be a minor concern in the long run, but gamers won’t play games they don’t like, regardless if they are made by or with AI. We cover AI at PGM and have even been releasing some games created using AI, see: for a bunch of games-related AI articles.

But this special day isn’t to lament what’s currently wrong with gaming, it’s for playing the games. The first word of this website and our group is the most important one: play.

There are so many different videogame systems out there to play. Hopefully, you have one of them, but there’s always your mobile phone (giant business for games there) and PC.

Happy gaming to you!

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