The title says it all, and it’s free of course: Javascript Vic20 Emulator ( Choose from the “Denial games” dropdown.
Arkanoid (called Arukakanoido, btw) – CONTROLS: arrow keys to move left and right, INSERT to launch ball.
You can even type in VIC-20 Basic commands like “load” then press the play button on the tape recorder. Check out Berzerk below.
This is too much retro fun in the browser. Other games include: clones of Pac-Man, Q-Bert and more!
Before exiting the fine, nostalgic world of VIC-20, don’t forget, Captain William Shatner Kirk proudly shilled it in the 80s:
Do you guys still have VIC-20’s? I had Commodore 64 about 30 years ago but don’t have it anymore. It’s easier to buy these games on Steam now with the great Atari 50th collection.