Nolan Bushnell Speeds Up K-12 Learning with Startup ExoDexa Holdings

By Todd Russell Sep 28, 2023

If you’re wondering what Atari co-founder Nolan Bushnell is up to these days, no, it’s not a rebirth of Chuck E. Cheese, but he still is concerned about the children. Go ahead, in your best Simpson’s voice yell, “What about the children?!” Seriously, Bushnell has Another claim:

hTooked up with Exodexa Holdings ( that specializes in how to direct educating the kids of today for tomorrow, more specifically (via Atari cofounder Nolan Bushnell announces education gaming startup ExoDexa): Hmm.

The aim is to use games to sure shape the future of education and create a comprehensive video game platform that incorporates K-12 curricula, providing students with an engaging and effective way to learn.

The slogan at the Exodexa website is “faster learning through games” which is a noble goal, but is it more theory than substance? Don’t know.

Another claim: “The ExoDexa Platform helps kids retain knowledge up to 10x faster* with award-winning learning games. Stay Connected for Exciting Game Announcements and Release Details!” Hmm.

The concept sure sounds promising, but getting kids to care about educational games is no easy task, especially if the motivation for them is retaining knowledge “up to 10x faster!”. They are going to be more about Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite, or whatever is the game of the day, that’s where the education is coming from, not some new platform, most likely. Especially if it has the stigma of being educational (not stigma from this author’s perspective, the kids). Don’t want to appear or be dissing the plans here, but merely being realistic. We wish Mr. Bushnell and ExoDexa Holdings good luck.

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