Next Level Pinball Museum Hillsboro, Oregon has all 22 Stern Insider Connected Machines as of 8/10/2023

By Todd Russell Aug 15, 2023

If you ever get down near Portland, Oregon area, or heck don’t mind a three hour drive from Seattle, WA, then Next Level Pinball Museum ( should be on your “must see” list as a gamer and pinhead. As of our most recent trip 8/10/2023: they have all 22 Stern Insider Connected machines, including several Limited Editions. The only one missing is Venom, but am sure they’ll have that not long after it rolls off the production line.

We made it our mission to play and register scores on every machine over the two days we played there recently. They had 20 of the 21 registered and active, the only one not registered was Foo Fighters, but that will probably be activated by the time you read this. They also reset their local leaderboards each month, giving everybody a chance to get into the top 10 on their machines.

Speaking of leaderboards, PGM Members can find all these tables listed on our group PGM iScored (linked in the header of every page and direct links to both enter score and to the table itself in the spreadsheet, also linked, and here) to be able to add personal bests to, which is easy and convenient when logged into Stern Insider Connected, because it collects the scores automatically every time you play.

They have a couple hundred other pinball machines and also over 200 arcade machines, so expect about 500 machines total to be able to play. As of Sept 1, 2023 they are raising the price to $22 to play all day, but until then it’s $20/day per person. Almost all the gaming machines are included in that price and are on free play. They have a small few ticket redemption machines, including a claw machines, Zoltar and a couple VR and arcade machines that require separate fee, but the vast majority of the place’s gaming is included within the daily entrance fee ($20 per person, per day, and $22/day starting Sept 1, 2023).

The place is also a museum, and there is a ton of lunchboxes, signed albums, posters and other collector’s items to peruse. There is custom painted gaming-related artwork. You can come and go throughout the day/night on your pass and even bring in outside food. They do have a couple vending machines for snacks, but otherwise you’ll need to seek food nearby, of which there are plenty of dining options.

Again, we love this place and it comes highly recommended. Probably been there a couple dozen times now and we keep going back!

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