Happy New Year’s 2025 + Humpday Wednesday #68 – Break a billion goal + Stern announces Dungeons & Dragons as first cornerstone of the year

By Todd Russell Jan 1, 2025

The last live Humpday Wednesday stream was on October 30, 2024 and the next week, November 6 would have been the 68th show. That show didn’t happen, neither did the following week, and the week after that we announced Humpday Wednesday shows were postponed until I freed up time at my day job to be able to return.

Well, today is a holiday, New Year’s Day of course and will be back for a one off Humpday Wednesday show, #68 as it would have been a couple months ago. Next week and future weeks are still on hold, but hey, enjoy the live show today at our PGM Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/playgamesmoredotcom LIVE streaming from 6am – 11am PST (GMT-8). We get you over the hump of the week and have as much fun as we can in the process.

There will not be a new weekly tournament like we usually do, but we’ll try and track down the scores from Creature from the Black Lagoon FX tournament: November 2024 Stern Insider Connected Quests + Rank-a-Thon #2 + Pinball FX Tourney + Humpday Wednesday #67 and we will provide an update on progress of the ranked FX tourney games. The goal is to complete that by the end of 2025, but progress on that is going good.

Stern Pinball announces Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant”s Eye

If you haven’t heard by now — and sure you have — Stern Pinball has announced their first cornerstone of 2025 will be … Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant’s Eye.

The teaser reveals a brief shot of a lit-up dragon mech, but we need to wait until Friday to see a reveal of what the game will actually look like.

I like D&D as a theme for a pinball game for a wide variety of reasons. If you doubt the interest in this theme, the following vids might help clear up that the game has a lot of fans across many age groups.

How will D&D translate to pinball? There was an older pinball based on D&D that doesn’t sound like it’s very good according to those that have played.

Will talk more about this on today’s show, but have concerns with the execution of this game. Brian Eddy is the designer and these are his designs: Stranger Things, Star Wars: The Mandalorian and Venom. Of those, Stranger Things, IMO, is the most fun to play. I would imagine Dwight on code will pull out a similar level scheme as what was in Venom, but I’m hoping it’s significantly more advanced in D&D. We’ll see.

Lots to wait and see …

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One thought on “Happy New Year’s 2025 + Humpday Wednesday #68 – Break a billion goal + Stern announces Dungeons & Dragons as first cornerstone of the year”
  1. Hi Todd!

    Stern did an epic fail by not using the cartoon DND series for the artwork and playfield. Most of the voice actors are alive and could do the callouts for the modes. I agree with you this would be the best new pinball machine to have meaningful DLC for. At the very I want to be able to level up as the different characters while playing, but my expectations are too low from Stern.

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