Cobra Kai Board Game $25 at Walmart – Played It, Yet?

By Todd Russell Aug 13, 2023

Cobra Kai, Netflix hit TV series, callback to The Karate Kid movie series, now has a board game called, you got it, Cobra Kai:

Polygon dishes details:

Players draw from a roster of nine students from the show, training and upgrading them in the cleverly named “montage” and “flashback” phases. Each student possesses unique abilities to take the top spot in the All-Valley Tournament, with combat resolved using a series of dice rolls.

This is available exclusively (?) at Walmart for $24.97 as of this writing ( Is it any fun to play? Don’t know, don’t own it, but maybe somebody in the comments will share their opinion after playing. Comments welcome on whether or not you’re interested in playing it are welcome in the comments as well. It is available at a local Walmart and $25 seems reasonable for a board game. We don’t play nearly enough board games any more. Played them much more when the kids were younger and lived at home. All our kids are adults age 30+ now and we just don’t get the family board game time in like we used to once upon a time. All of us play more video games. Our oldest son, my wife and I are into pinball as well.

Speaking of videogames, there is also a Cobra Kai beat’em up game on Steam (, that some PGM members including myself, own and have played. It’s on sale as of this writing until August 10, 2023 for $4.99, regularly priced at $19.99. You can catch this on sale, though, at other times. It’s sold as low as $4.99 per the excellent SteamDB browser extension ()

I need to get around to writing a review of Cobra Kai: The Legend Continues game. For $4.99 it’s a recommended buy from me, but not at the regular price of $19.99. Perhaps by the time you read this, I’ve added a Steam review. Am not interested in the sequel at this time: Cobra Kai 2: Dojo Rising ( and the reviews so far are “mixed”. Lowest price on that one has been $12.99. If that one drops under five bucks, I’d personally consider (not a recommendation). It’s wishlisted, though.

Cobra Kai, the sixth and final TV season has been announced, but no official air date has been announced yet as of this writing. Guessing it will be at some point in 2024, maybe. They need to get going on it soon and there is a 2023 writer’s strike which is pushing back production schedules.

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