After Dungeon Golf Underperformed, Developer Switched Strategy to More Releases, Quicker Publishing

Here’s another place, at least conceptually, the music business and game development are intersecting.

Something we’ve been talking about here and there about here at PGM is reducing the development time, shortening the team size, becoming more nimble, and publishing games faster. Instead of some long-winded, expensive multi-year games project, focus on smaller, less complex, but games with replayability and high fun factor.

Turns out the developer behind the game Dungeon Golf, is embracing this strategy, equating the process to music and making singles instead of albums.

“We can’t afford to make another album, and to be honest, it feels too risky to make another album. So let’s bang out a few different things in different genres and different styles. We can afford to be a bit riskier with each individual little one, because you’re making stuff on just a much smaller budget and a much smaller timescale, and just trying to get it in front of the audience a lot sooner.”

‘Singles, not albums’: A guide to making smaller games | GI Sprint |

There is still an opportunity to collect these smaller games as an “album” and then charge a higher price for the collection. I like this direction and hope more game studios will look at this, as long as they don’t just churn out small crappy quality games. That isn’t going to help any studio.

What do you think? Good idea? Bad? Indifferent? Let us know in the comments.

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