After 6 Hours of Practice, AI Robot Breaks Labyrinth Game World Record

By Todd Russell Apr 27, 2024

Not sure if this is something gamers should look forward to or not: the rise of AI robot opponents:

The robot received 6.06 hours of practice. Impressively, it beat the previous world record set by Lars Göran Danielsson, who set a time of 15.41 seconds in 2022. CyberRunner completed the game in 14.48 seconds — faster by over 6% compared to the human record holder.

How an AI robot smashed the human world record in Labyrinth, a classic marble maze game (

Have you played Labyrinth before? This don’t-let-the-marble-fall-in-the-hole game isn’t the first Labyrinth that comes to mind lately. I’m thinking more of the pinball machine (see: Bought, Watched Labyrinth (1986) movie directed by Jim Henson starring and including music by David Bowie + Real and Virtual Labyrinth Pinball – PlayGamesMore)

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