Play RPG Card Game – Endless Quest of the Fallen Hero (AI Generated Game Rules)

By Todd Russell Mar 16, 2025
Photo is AI generated

Will be traveling on the plane to Texas next week (We will be at Texas Pinball Festival on Saturday March 22, 2025, Are you Attending?) and taking my deck of cards on the plane to try learing and playing and helping to create new card games. Wanted something that was D&D-like, or rather an endless RPG game using a standard deck of cards.

The following card game uses a standard 52 card playing deck with 2 jokers and the initial rules are AI generated — including all text rules and explanation below — using Card Game Creator (

After reading the rules, please read the human edits added by me to make the game more challenging and include some more variety and spice.

If you’d like to generate your own card games, we first featured this: How To Create Card Games using standard 52 playing card deck with Yeschat.AI: Pac-Card, Race To The Finish – PlayGamesMore

The following prompt were used:

Because this prompt generated a “winning” condition, I decided to request a modification allowing for endless (and repeat) play so long as your character does not die. This is the prompt used:

Endless Quest of the Fallen Hero
*** NOTE: All game rules below are AI generated ***


In this version, you play as an eternal hero on a never-ending adventure. Your goal is to survive for as long as possible, fighting monsters, gaining experience, leveling up, and acquiring gold. There is no way to win the game; instead, your goal is to keep playing and surviving while avoiding death. The challenge is that the longer you survive, the harder it becomes, as monsters get stronger and the danger grows.


The game is about endless survival. The objective is to keep leveling up, fighting monsters, and managing your health. The game continues until your health drops to 0, at which point you lose. There is no ultimate victory, but instead, you try to survive for as long as possible.


  1. Card Deck: You still use a 52-card deck plus 2 Jokers (total of 54 cards).
    • HeartsHealth – These represent healing potions or vital boosts to your health.
    • DiamondsGold – The currency to buy potions, upgrades, or other helpful items.
    • ClubsMonsters – These represent the enemies you will encounter. The higher the value, the tougher the monster.
    • SpadesExperience – These are the points you gain toward leveling up.
    • JokersBoss Fights/Traps – These represent difficult encounters that could cause serious damage.
  2. Starting Stats:
    • Health Points (HP): You begin with 10 HP.
    • Experience (XP): Start at 0 XP.
    • Level: Start at Level 1. Every 5 XP you gain, you level up.
    • Gold: Start with 0 Gold.
    • Death Counter: If your HP reaches 0, the game ends. You lose, and the adventure is over.
  3. Setup: Shuffle the deck thoroughly and place it face down as your adventure deck.

Game Rules:

1. Drawing Cards and Interpreting Effects:

Each turn, you will draw a card from the deck and interpret it based on its suit:

  • Hearts (Health):
    • Effect: You restore health by drawing hearts.
    • BonusRestore 2 HP for every Heart drawn. If your health is above 10 HP, you store the excess as bonus health for future use.
  • Diamonds (Gold):
    • Effect: You earn gold that can be used for upgrades or potions.
    • Bonus: You gain 1 Gold for each Diamond card. Accumulate gold and use it to buy healing potions or level up faster.
    • Spending Gold: At any time, you can spend 3 Gold to restore 5 HP or 1 Gold to gain 1 XP.
  • Clubs (Monsters):
    • Effect: A monster appears and you must fight it! The strength of the monster is determined by the card’s value.
      • Number Cards (2-10): Represent weaker monsters.
      • Face Cards (Jack, Queen, King): Stronger monsters.
      • Ace: The ultimate monster.
    • Combat: You need to have greater than or equal to the monster’s strength in health to defeat it. If your HP is greater than or equal to the monster’s strength, you defeat the monster and gain 2 XP.
    • Penalty: If your HP is lower than the monster’s strength, you take damage. The amount of damage is equal to the difference between your HP and the monster’s strength.
    Example: If you draw a 6 of Clubs and you have 5 HP, you take 1 damage.
  • Spades (Experience):
    • Effect: You gain experience, bringing you closer to leveling up.
    • Bonus: Each Spade gives you 1 XP. Every 5 XP you gain, you level up and gain 5 extra HP.
    • Special Ability: At Level 2, XP from Spades is doubled. At Level 3, you can spend 2 Gold to gain 2 XP instead of 1.
  • Jokers (Boss Fights/Traps):
    • Effect: A boss monster or a trap awaits you.
    • Boss Fight: The boss has a strength of 10. You need at least 10 HP to defeat the boss. If your HP is below 10, you take all damage (10 damage).
    • Trap: If you encounter a trap, you must spend 1 Gold to avoid it. If you have no Gold, you take 5 damage.

2. Leveling Up:

  • Every time you gain 5 XP, you level up and gain 5 HP.
  • Level 1: Start with 10 HP.
  • Level 2: Gain 5 HP (total 15 HP).
  • Level 3: Gain 5 more HP (total 20 HP).
    • At Level 3, you can spend Gold for XP, and XP from Spades is doubled.

3. Game Continuation:

  • There is no winning. The game is meant to be played endlessly. You continue to draw cards, fight monsters, gain experience, and level up until your HP reaches 0.
  • You can keep playing as long as you can manage your health, gold, and combat effectively.

4. Death:

  • If your HP drops to 0, you lose the game. This is the only way to end the game.
  • You can heal by spending gold (3 Gold = 5 HP), but if you don’t manage your health and combat well, death is inevitable.

Card Effect Summary:

Card SuitEffect
HeartsHealth: Restore 2 HP. Exceed 10 HP to store extra health.
DiamondsGold: Gain 1 Gold per Diamond. Spend Gold to restore health or gain XP.
ClubsMonsters: Fight based on card value. If defeated, gain 2 XP.
SpadesExperience: Gain 1 XP. Level up after 5 XP.
JokersBoss Fights/Traps: Boss with strength 10. If defeated, gain 5 XP.

Example Round:

  1. Draw the 5 of Hearts: You restore 2 HP (now 12 HP).
  2. Draw the 3 of Diamonds: You gain 1 Gold.
  3. Draw the 7 of Clubs: A monster with strength 7 appears. You have 12 HP, so you defeat the monster and gain 2 XP (now 2 XP).
  4. Draw the 4 of Spades: You gain 1 XP (now 3 XP).
  5. Draw the Joker: A boss fight! You face a boss with strength 10. You have 12 HP, so you defeat the boss and gain 5 XP (now 8 XP). You level up to Level 2 and gain 5 more HP (now 17 HP).

Endless Survival:

  • You continue playing the game, leveling up and fighting increasingly dangerous monsters.
  • You can survive for a long time as long as you manage your health, gold, and experience wisely, but the risk of death grows over time as bosses and stronger monsters appear.

“Endless Quest of the Fallen Hero” is all about survival and the thrill of never knowing when it will end. Can you stay alive long enough to see how far you can go, or will your hero fall to the dangers of the world?

Back to Human Editorial and first suggested game tweaks

I played a test game to see how this game played and here are the shuffled cards and result of 15 cards cards drawn:

Start game
10 HP
0 XP
0 Gold
Level 1

card 1: 6 clubs
result: monster fight, I have higher HP, monster defeated, + 2 XP

10 HP
2 XP
0 Gold
Level 1

card 2: JOKER black
result: Boss fight: must have equal or greater HP, boss has 10 HP, defeated + 5 XP — level up! +5 HP XP from spades is DOUBLED going forward

15 HP
7 XP
0 Gold
Level 2

card 3: JOKER red (trap)
result: must spend 1 gold to avoid, have 0 gold, so take 5 HP damage

10 HP
7 XP
0 Gold
Level 2

card 4: Ace of clubs (Ultimate Monster = 14 HP)
result: I have less HP, take 4 HP damage

6 HP
7 XP
0 Gold
Level 2

card 5: King of Diamonds
result: earn 1 gold (can spend 3 gold to restore 5 HP, or 1 gold for 1 XP)

6 HP
7 XP
1 Gold
Level 2

card 6: Ace of Diamonds
result: earn 1 gold

6 HP
7 XP
2 Gold
Level 2

card 7: 6 Spades
result: earn 2 XP (because level 2), cannot start spending gold for XP until level 3, so must continue on

6 HP
9 XP
2 Gold
Level 2

card 8: 8 of Diamonds
result: earn 1 gold, spend 3 gold to add +5 HP, no gold left

11 HP
9 XP
0 Gold
Level 2

card 9: 2 of Diamonds
result: earn 1 gold

11 HP
9 XP
1 Gold
Level 2

card 10: 4 of Hearts
result: +2 HP (above 10HP save as bonus HP)

11 HP + 2 Bonus HP = 13 total
9 XP
1 Gold
Level 2

card 11: 10 of Clubs (monster fight with 10 HP)
result: monster battle, I have more HP, monster is defeated + 2XP = level up + 5 HP

16 HP + 2 Bonus HP = 18 total
11 XP
1 Gold
Level 3

card 12: 7 of hearts
result: +2 HP (above 10hp, save as bonus HP, max 20)

16 HP + 4 Bonus HP = 20 total (max for level 3)
11 XP
1 Gold
Level 3

card 13: 8 of hearts
result: no HP to restore at max HP of 20

16 HP + 4 Bonus HP = 20 total (max for level 3)
11 XP
1 Gold
Level 3

card 14: Jack of Clubs (monster with 11 HP)
result: monster defeated because I have more HP, +2 XP

16 HP + 4 Bonus HP = 20 total (max for level 3)
13 XP
1 Gold
Level 3

card 15: 6 of hearts
result: no HP to restore

16 HP + 4 Bonus HP = 20 total (max for level 3)
13 XP
1 Gold
Level 3

After playing with 15 drawn cards the game the monsters are too easy as the players level up.

Human changes to the AI generated rules, after playing

Here’s the proposed changes to increase the difficulty of the monsters so players do not become too powerful and the game is too easy and to add some randomness to it:

  • every player level the boss strength increases by 1 HP + each encounter removes ALL bonus restored HP, regardless of win or loss in each battle and do at least 1 HP damage for each battle, even if won.
    • to determine battle damage, the next two cards drawn — value only, suit of card does not matter UNLESS it’s a JOKER is drawn (then another card is drawn to determine final strike and then either a trap or bonus monster must be battled) from deck will determine monster final strike and player final strike
      • if monster card drawn higher than player then final HP damage to player will be difference of the damage cards to a maximum of 50% of the player’s current HP
        • EXAMPLE. monster card is Jack (11), player final strike card is 5, so this is damage of 6, the player has 10 HP at the time, so max is 5 HP damage = 5 HP.
      • if player card higher than monster, then there is only *1* HP final strike damage by monster, unless player only has 1 HP, then there is 0 HP damage
  • player HP only increases every 3 levels starting at level 3 so here is how the player leveling and HP looks:
    • Level 3: 15 HP max, monster strength = clubs drawn + 3
    • Level 4: 15 HP max + 1 gold, monster strength = clubs drawn + 4
    • Level 5: 15 HP max + 1 gold, monster strength = clubs drawn + 5
    • Level 6: 20 HP max, monster strength = clubs drawn + 6
    • Level 9: 25 HP max, monster strength = clubs drawn + 9
    • Level 12: 30 HP max
    • … and so on every 3 levels

Your turn to playtest

With the additional human added rules, try playing this out and leave your comments. Too easy? Too boring? Needs more variety?

Feel free to suggest any more options that could be added. I’m thinking about some additional random encounters every 13 cards (13, 26, 39 — do not redraw on 52) drawn. These are possible additional random encounter ideas, but you could come up with others to mix up the gameplay even more:

  • next card drawn will determine what event happens:
    • an opportunity (optional) to gamble up to half your gold on the result of a high/low for the next two cards — you have to guess correctly for the result of BOTH to win, if you lose, then you lose what’s staked. So if you guess HIGH then LOW and the next two cards aren’t both high and low. BONUS: if either of next two cards drawn is JOKER then you automatically win bet and then start an immediate boss fight

Let us know in the comments if you have played this card game and how it plays?

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