Play and Solve Rubik’s Cube Online + Rubik’s Masters

Want to solve and play with a Rubik’s Cube online (pictured above)? Go here:

For Christmas our oldest grandson got a beloved brainteaser puzzler: a Rubik’s cube. I remembered having one of these and being horrifically slow at solving it, but have solved it several times.

Official Rubik’s Cube website:

Then I go online and see this Rubik’s master, Max Park solve one in 3 seconds and realize just how bad I’m at it.

Apparently, Max has the record for 3×3, 4×4, 5×5, 6×6 and 7×7 speed solving Rubik’s as of this writing. I didn’t verify that research for this article, so please correct if you know differently in the comments, but if Max isn’t the best in the world at this, he’s got to be one of most l33t.

Then again, this guy isn’t too bad either.

He solved a bunch of differen Rubik cubes within five hours! The same guy takes on this Rubik’s monstrosity:

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